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[Clock Opera] Once and for all


White Noise
Lesson No.7

Once And For All
One day I woke up to find
There was a hole in my mind
I could not be saddened or sure
Of anything I knew before

Get up get out stand up and shout your name
Don't be afraid to get in the way again
Don't try to stop, like it or not, you'll change
You know you only can go further away

When did we forget what we knew
When did we grow up and when did we lose
Everything we were so sure about then
How do we know it won't happen again
Sometime or not you see far by my side
Sometime a border between us arrived
It says we are separate and nully defined
Tells us to take it to just leave it's time
But there is no once and for all

There is no once and for all

Get up get out stand up and shout your name
Don't be afraid to get in the way again
Don't try to stop, like it or not, you'll change
You know you only can go further away

When did we forget what we knew
When did we grow up and when did we lose
Everything we were so sure about then
How do we know it won't happen again
Now I'm sure of my place in the world
I'll raise up my flag and I'll watch it unfurl
I know what I want and I think what is true
Now I'm sad of my love for you
But there is no once and for all

There is no once and for all

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[Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin] Je t'aime, moi non plus

偶然瀏覽到他介紹法國香頌的部落格 以及在鄉下落腳的經過
那天大雨滂沱 我在接過白蘭地巧克力後看似美味地嘗著
於是又走出那精緻的小攤位 逕自吃著隔壁攤炒烏龍麵
想到一個素昧平生的陌生人卻對自己的興趣和一部分的人生事蹟知之甚詳 怎樣都覺得有些彆扭

最近吃著拉麵 也遇到這樣的熟悉陌生人
他牙套拆了 上了研究所 似乎搬家了 連伴也換了
哪怕是不相干的事 只要它還運轉著
不只是寂寞 而是那些更深層的什麼


時過境遷 1969年大才子與珍柏金重錄了這首歌
極盡挑逗能事充滿喘息聲 是首直白描寫性愛的曲子
像進退浪潮在你腰間來來去去這類的詞都出現 難怪那年代曾是禁歌

Je t'aime , moi non plus (我愛你, 我也不)
Je t'aime Je t'aime
oh, oui je t'aime!
moi non plus
oh, mon amour...
comme la vague irresolu
je vais je vais et je viens
entre tes reins
et je me retiens

je t'aime je t'aime
oh, oui je t'aime !
moi non plus
oh mon amour...
tu es la vague, moi l'ile nue
tu va tu va et tu viens
entre mes reins
tu vas et tu viens
entre mes reins
et je te rejoins

je t'aime je t'aime
oh, oui je t'aime!
moi non plus
oh, mon amour...
comme la vague irresolu
je vais je vais et je viens
entre tes reins
et je me retiens
tu va tu va et tu viens
entre mes reins
tu vas et tu viens
entre mes reins
et je te rejoins

je t'aime je t'aime
oh, oui je t'aime !
moi non plus
oh mon amour...
l'amour physique est sans issue
je vais je vais et je viens
entre tes reins
je vais et je viens
et je me retiens
non ! maintenant
Viens !

23:39 發表於 murmur, Music | 永久網址 | 留言 (0) | | |


[Iron and Wine] Flightless Bird, American Mouth

Have I found you
or lost myself

Flightless Bird, American Mouth
I was a quick wet boy,
diving too deep for coins
All of your straight blind eyes
wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair,
I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map
and called for you everywhere

Have I found you?
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping
or lost you?
American mouth
Big pill looming

Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats
curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean
blood of Christ mountain stream

Have I found you?
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding
or lost you?
American mouth
Big pill stuck going down

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[Gaby Moreno] Letter To A Mad Woman

挖了半餉 "我覺得好像沒有挑出來耶
不過你放心 異物進入體內會被身體組織包覆然後慢慢越來越小"


媽的好餓 她的mic看起來好可口的樣子

Letter To A Mad Woman
A letter came to him today
Said he really should obey
What an utter outrage
Someone could think that way
She said you better start to pray
If all you people wanna get saved
"We're perfection, you're a disgrace
Make no mistake"

He's just passing the days
Trying not to feel blue
But it's all he can stand
They keep on feeding him the lies
Nothing else he can do
But to hope and to pray for this nonsense to change
But it won't so he's back in his gloom..

Sir you mean to imply
What I've said it's all a lie
Can you look me in the eye
And justify
Well I think you've all gone mad
There's so much loving to be had
Change your tune and I'll be glad
Tolerance ain't no fad

He's just passing the days
Trying not to feel blue
But it's all he can stand
They keep on feeding him the lies
Nothing else he can do
But to hope and to pray for this nonsense to change
But it won't so he's back in his room...

You offer solution
I'm hearing confusion
You stand there so proud and confident
I'm only one person
It could be so much worse
You say I must change what I believe it's true

They keep on feeding us the lies
Nothing else for us to do
But to hope and to pray for this dust to disappear
So we all see a little more clear

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