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[The Horrible Crowes] Behold The Hurricane

I need the cure

還問我有沒有好朋友(?) 在系上嗎
媽的 我還點頭說好幾個

Behold The Hurricane
I remember everything we had.
Every breath of this house creaking.
I'm familiar with the cold and the windows and the doors.
And the sound of my heart beating.
Beating in and out of time.

And it's such a shame.
I heard the wind say this morning.
Be still my heart.
I age by years at the mention of your name.
What a pity this season.
You remember me my lover.
I don't recognize myself.
I'm not the man you love.
Behold the hurricane.
Behold the hurricane.

I walk around these empty rooms.
We once moved like the morning.
Silhouettes they haunt this house like a memory haunts me now as if it were a dream.
As if it were a dream.

It's such a shame.
I heard the wind say this morning.
Be still my heart.
I age by years at the mention of your name.
What a pity this season.
You remember me my lover.
I don't recognize myself.
I'm not the man you love.
Behold the hurricane.
Behold the hurricane.

I heard the moon has visions of her nightly.
I heard the mighty rivers cry out her name.
And I saw the heavens and the earth.
Yes I saw the heavens and the earth cry over you.

It's such a shame.
I heard the wind say this morning.
Be still my heart.
I age by years at the mention of your name.
What a pity this season.
You remember me my lover.
I don't recognize myself.
I'm not the man you love.
Behold the hurricane.
Behold the hurricane.

At the door the leaves had fallen.
Suddenly I realized that you were gone.
Suddenly I realized that you were gone.
Behold the hurricane.


cure me or k i l l m e 

22:08 發表於 murmur, Music | 永久網址 | 留言 (0) | | |


[Burning Hearts] Into the wilderness



Rest in peace 


Into the wilderness
The Alaskan tundra and the wild bears
I am returning to that nightmare

Life and death are given a different meaning
in grizzly kingdom above the treeline where the permafrost's growing deeper
I could never climb those mountains, I could never be
sleeping safely under the same stars as timothy
Into the wilderness away from the loneliness

You walked with the foxes dancing 'round your feet they followed you to the last sleep
You walked with the foxes dancing 'round your feet they followed you into your dreams
and they followed you Into the wilderness away from the lonelyness

The animal with the strongest paw
mixed friends with prey - it's nature's law
I could never climb those mountains, I could never be
sleeping safely under the same stars as timothy
Into the wilderness away from the loneliness

21:45 發表於 murmur, Music | 永久網址 | 留言 (0) | | |


[斉藤和義] やぁ無情

やぁ むじょう
呀 無情
呀 無常
呀 失 望 透 頂

渋川清彦 這位一副屌樣鬍渣男很眼熟
查了一下 果然他就是演WASABI裡由美的其中一個朋友
劇中同樣一副鳥樣  尚雷諾要跟他握手打招呼碰了軟釘子
還有演過Fish story裡逆鱗的鼓手

呀 無情
呀 無情 又再次遇見了 可對你卻沒用
呀 無情 隨便去哪兒吧 反正我是個傻瓜
“別跟我說話 別讓我看見你 給我適可而止 別再跟著我了”
“少廢話 少一副冷笑的樣子 快把手給我放開”
呀 無情 多可悲啊 反正又是你幹的好事吧

不管我多麼努力 不管我多麼愛你
卻無法向你傳遞 總有什麼無法向你傳遞
到了明天 夜晚就要結束 那夢中的戰鬥也將終結

呀 無情 又再次遇見了 究竟在探求著什麼呢?
呀 無情 隨便去哪兒吧 反正又會傷害到誰吧
在別人倒下的身後 露出明朗的笑容 嗒啦啦
只有自己最好 在這個世上最好 假裝忙碌的樣子 嗒啦啦
呀 無情 多可悲啊 反正又是你幹的好事吧

如今此處究竟是哪裡 究竟走了多遠
你就在我的身邊 只是微笑著而已
到了明天 夜晚就要結束 那夢中的戰鬥也將終結

呀 無情 繁星是如此美麗 對不起 我深愛的 溫柔的你

無論我怎樣努力 無論我怎樣愛你
都無法向你傳遞 總有什麼無法向你傳遞
到了明天 夜晚就會結束 那殘破的命運也將終結

如今此處究竟是哪裡 究竟走了多遠
然而 你還是如影隨形
故事還在繼續 那夢中的戰鬥也將延續

23:39 發表於 Kazuyoshi Saito, murmur | 永久網址 | 留言 (0) | Tags: 斉藤和義 | | |


[Tarcy] 愛我好嗎

總是走進死胡同 兜不出來

雖然收斂了許多情感 還是洩露了我的不安
於是你開始冷淡 我也開始問自己該怎麼辦

如果你知道我的遺憾 千萬不要再不以為然
我的生活已經混亂 到處漂流卻始終靠不了岸
這是我最後 最美 最真 最心碎的留言

喔 愛我 好嗎
我願意讓傷心再來一遍 只要你留一個位子給我
哪怕是在你心中 最容易被忽略的角落

喔 愛我 好嗎
我願意讓傷心再來一遍 只要你留一個位子給我
哪怕是在你心中 最容易被忽略的角落

20:54 發表於 murmur, Music | 永久網址 | 留言 (0) | | |